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There was a brief offline period starting today at 10:00. It's a bit intimidating to find that a device on your netowrk is not responding anymore even though you know that it is running. Maybe there was some software issue that went unpatched for too long?

Luckily the device responded when it was connected with a USB cable. This error message was shown when trying to establish the wifi connection:

Error: Connection activation failed: IP configuration could not be reserved (no available address, timeout, etc.)

It first appeared to be an issue with the wifi drivers, but investigating this did not turn up anything useful. Restarting the wifi repeater worked.

The repeater is an old Archer C7 running OpenWRT. It's unclear why it stopped forwarding the DHCP requests, but it's also not super important at the moment.

Albeit it wasn't always reachable (with the soda and all), compost has been humming happily for more than 40 days now.

 13:36:39 up 43 days,  2:58,  0 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.02, 0.00

battery level
